Friday, February 12, 2010

JJ's for dinner was delicious....loved snacking after dinner and only a diet coke....pretty good for me....but I did enough snacking on chocolate during the day to make up for it.

Yoga at 9 am tomorrow.......too early

Lunch original post was deleted! Not cool! Anyways, lunch was better than most. No desserts, but I did have a piece of my chocolate fair chocolate.

Dinner is going to be Jimmy John's but no alcohol since I'll be drinking lots tomorrow night and will be going to yoga tomorrow.



And three pieces of chocolate later, it's only 9:14 am.....not a good start to the day. Opps. Good thing the first weigh in isn't until Thursday. I will hopefully have most of the chocolate in my desk from the chocolate fair gone by next week. I just gave away my chocolate cov'd oreos to Joe, which will help. Then I'll split most of it in half and give parts to Joe....luckily he is tubby and will eat it :)

Next post: Lunch and how I did.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

It's official....

I officially joined weight watchers today. The first weigh in is next Thursday, which is good since today was the chocolate fair. Too much chocolate, not cool. Anywho, next week I will know exactly how bad it's gotten lately. I know I've been eating not only too much but the wrong things. Plus my exercise has been lacking.

I'm hoping Jess and the other weight watcherers will help me drop this extra weight that I've gained. It definitely can't hurt.

I'm going to try to keep this blog as help in the tough times and celebration during the good times.